1. Evidence based learning outcomes and units for the development of climate-smart and digital skills for the agricultural sector
This output will define the learning outcomes for an up-to-date, tailor-suited to sectoral needs, agriculture learning programme on environmentally sustainable work practices and modern digital applications. It will provide statements of what learners should know, understand and be able to do upon completion of the AgriSmart training programme.

2. Modular Curriculum Structure (Syllabus), Educational instructions & Learning and Assessment Materials
This output will develop a modular curriculum structure (syllabus) that can be used by VET providers as well as farmers who wish to develop their climate-smart and digital skills. Additionally, this output includes the creation of a pool of resources including educational instructions, learning and assessment materials, designed to support the delivery of the AGRISMART course in VET provision. The main purpose is to facilitate the acquisition of climate smart and digital skills in the sector of agriculture.

3. Creation of pedagogical Material as Open Educational Resources
The OERs to be developed will be suitable for integration in VET provision as well as self-directed training, addressing the needs of both newcomers and experienced farmers. The AGRISMART OERs will be available in all project partners’ languages (EN, IT, EL, DE, PL, SK, FR), ensuring wide geographical transferability. Access and use of the OERs will be unrestricted.

4. AGRISMART Vocational Open Online Course (VOOC) infrastructures and content in 7 languages
The VOOC will comprise the project learning units and contextualised training and assessment materials produced in O2, in their online form, suitable for self-directed and blended learning.

5. AGRISMART Mentor’s Toolkit for the integration of the learning outcomes in agriculture WBL
The aim of toolkit is to facilitate climate-smart and digital skills acquisition. The toolkit will be addressed to experienced practitioners participating or aspiring to participate in WBL activities as mentors, and will apply to various forms of WBL training (i.e. I-VET, C-VET, formal/non-formal, with/without the participation of VET providers).

6. AGRISMART framework for the promotion of integration of climate smart and digital skills development in VET offerings and regional policies
This output comprises the formation of a framework to promote the integration of climate smart and digital skills development in VET offerings and regional policies. The purpose of this output is to identify important aspects (i.e. administrative, organisational, financial, awareness raising) that are relevant to the setup, introduction, and running of agriculture WBL schemes.