Agrismart Info-day Deula, Germany

We are delighted to share the success of the InfoDay organised by DEULA, which took place on April 14th, 2023 at the Conference Hall Blattpavillon, DEULA Nienburg in Germany. The event saw an impressive turnout of 61 attendees, including farmers, educators, and agricultural professionals. We are thrilled to report that 100% of the surveyed participants …

Agrismart Info-day Innovela, Belgium

The virtual info day hosted by INNOVELA, the partner from Belgium, on April 21st, 2023, has been organised with attendees from various stakeholder categories including farmers, consultants, teachers in agricultural institutes and schools, and educators. The event began with a warm welcome by the Managing Director of INNOVELA, Athina Katsanou, followed by informative presentations by …

Agrismart Info-day Arid, Poland

The ARID Association in Poland held a successful info-day on 23.02.2023 in Luborzyca, attended by 55 participants including farmers, advisors, directors of research institutes and schools, and educators. The event included presentations of the Agrismart project, its results and specific learning units, followed by discussions and signing of the statement of support. The feedback from …

Agrismart Info-day IZPI,Slovakia

On March 10th, 2023, IZPI hosted an informative and interactive face-to-face event in Nitra, Slovakia, with 55 participants, of which 69% were farmers. The event covered a wide range of topics related to the Agrismart project, such as the importance of digital technologies in agriculture, the new CAP Strategic Plan, and project discussions. The participants …

Agrismart Info-day Unimi, Italy

The Lead Partner of AgriSmart project held its info-day on February 15, 2023, at AULA MAGGIORE, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. The event featured 48 participants, five guest speakers, and three event moderators who discussed the goals and objectives of the AgriSmart instruments, as well as the current state of “smart farming” and experiences …

Agrismart Info-Day Exelia Greece

The Greek partner, EXELIA, held an informative online event on February 8, 2023, which was attended by 50 participants including farmers, agronomists, academics, cooperatives, members of social cooperatives, agricultural technologist educators, students, and veterinarians. The event began with the arrival and connection of participants, followed by a presentation of EXELIA. The AGRISMART project was then …

25-27 January, 2023 5th TPM Meeting

The fifth project meeting was organized by ARID in Krakow, Poland on 26th of January 2023. Partners had the chance to discuss the final details of the pending tasks and also the organization of the multiplier events which will take place in February 2023.