27-29 September, 2022 4th TPM Meeting

The fourth project meeting was organized by DEULA and was held both on site in Nienburg, Germany and virtually. The partners discussed briefly the progress of the Intellectual Output 3, for the VOOC and the e-book. The responsible partners presented Intellectual Output 4 and Intellectual Output 5. Additionally, all multiplier events agreed to be organized …

7-8 Αpril, 2022 3rd TPM Meeting

The third project meeting was organized by EXELIA, in Athens, Greece on 7th and 8th of April 2022. In the meeting, the partners summarized the progress done in the second semester and ideas for the following tasks were introduced and discussed with all the partners.

8 July, 2021 2nd TPM Meeting

The second project meeting was organized online by AGROINSTITUT on 8th of July 2021. During the meeting, the first Intellectual Output was disscussed, all partners briefly presented the results of the surveys while there was also a brief discussion about the Dissemination and Quality Assurance Plans.

15-16 December, 2020 Kick-Off Meeting

The AGRISMART project has been launched! On the 15th and 16th of December the AGRISMART consortium came together for the project’s kick-off meeting, which was organized virtually by UNIMI. During the meeting, ARID, DEULA, EXELIA, UNIMI, AGROINSTITUT and INNOVELA had the chance to explore the project workplan and next steps.